
LS Referenced in Cars
LS Referenced in Cars
LS Referenced in Cars
One of Lynyrd Skynyrd's most popular songs is 'Free Bird'. Hearing someone scream 'Free Bird' at concert, a ball game or a movie theater has become almost a cult phenomenon. It has also been done many times in movies and my all-time favorite example of this is from the movie 'Cars'.
The Batmobile and 5 Other Hollywood Cars That Sold at Auction
The Batmobile and 5 Other Hollywood Cars That Sold at Auction
The Batmobile and 5 Other Hollywood Cars That Sold at Auction
BAM! The original Batmobile sold at auction for $4.2 million this weekend which has both car lovers and cartoon lovers giddy. Famous Hollywood cars like those from 'Starsky and Hutch,' 'Knight Rider' and 'The Pink Panther' go up for sale from time to time, bringing out the most nostalgic buyers. Here's a look at how five memorable cars fared when they hit the open market, and what they fetched for
Things Your Car Will Have By 2020
Things Your Car Will Have By 2020
Things Your Car Will Have By 2020
Did you know that the 80's movie Back To The Future's vision of the future was set in 2015? That's 4 YEARS away!!! Well, 3 1/2! ;-) Cars won't be flying by then but, they will have some pretty cool features! Safety is the main concern. Here are just a few...