bank of america

Banks Lose 650,000 Customers To Credit Unions Says Recent Survey
Banks Lose 650,000 Customers To Credit Unions Says Recent Survey
Banks Lose 650,000 Customers To Credit Unions Says Recent Survey
When Bank of America announced it would be charging customers a $5 monthly debit card fee, their customers said enough is enough. Almost immediately there were petitions and according to a recent survey, more than 650,000 customers with B of A and other big banks, closed their accounts and went to a credit union.
Florida Couple Forecloses On A Bank
Florida Couple Forecloses On A Bank
Florida Couple Forecloses On A Bank
People seem to have enough troubles when dealing with their bank, but what about when the bank tries to foreclose on your home you paid cash for?  According to, that's what happened to a couple in Naples, Florida, when Bank of America came to foreclose on them...