Being a Radio Personality in Evansville VS Los Angeles – Leslie and Her Brother Face Off
My brother and I are both Radio Personalities. He has done a morning show in Milwaukee, Denver and LA. Radio cities for me include Princeton, IN, Jackson, TN and Evansville. We will often text and call each other to talk shop, complain or brag (compete). Speaking of bragging, I am a TWICE award winning radio personality, he is NOT!! Sure he makes a crap ton of money, but who needs a lot of money? ;-)
Here is a comparison of our jobs this week! LOL
Evansville VS LA - You be the judge!!
Before you choose, just know, that Cali, the goat, even though she didn't smell all that great, let me squeeze and pet her. She even gave me a kiss on the cheek. I bet that's more than my brother got from Jason Momoa. <3
Seriously though, I LOVE working in the Tristate, he can keep LA!! But, don't you think he should have FaceTimed me at least? I'm not bitter/yes I am. HAHA!
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