Abandoned Funeral Home Photos Show Horrific Images of Terrifying Secrets
Funeral homes are supposed to be a place that assists us in transitioning into existence without someone we care for or love. Their purpose is to be a place where all who want to pay their respect can assemble together to comfort the family and each other. To think a funeral home could ever be something that did anything other than respect the dead is frightening.

Before funeral homes, we protected the bodies of our loved ones in our houses.
My grandma used to tell me the story of her father's passing. She was only a girl when he passed away suddenly. One thing that always stuck with me was when she would relive the many days that his body remained in a wooden box on the porch for their family neighbors to view and pay their respects.
The thought of that always seemed sad to me. I felt like it would be so hard to have the body of your father in the other room while you tried to deal with his passing. But, that was the only way they knew how to do it, and at least the body was safe.
In an abandoned funeral home in North Carolina, things were found that shocked a small town. The story of what was found two years after the funeral home was shut down will give you nightmares.
The funeral home shut down back in 2012, but the police were called back o the abandoned building in 2014. what they found inside the funeral home, will haunt the residents of the North Carolina small town forever.
A photographer, Justin Collins of Peril Photography, took photos of what was left of the inside of the funeral home. He allowed me to use them to show you what atrocities were left inside of a place townspeople had trusted to help them find peace but instead filled them with fear and sadness.
Abandoned Funeral Home Held Terrifying Secret That Still Haunts Small Town
[SOURCE: Justin Collins - Peril Photography/WFMY News 2]
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