Schools are officially back in session in Illinois, so it's time for an important reminder about school bus safety laws and the one law Illinois drivers tend to break the most.

Students getting on school bus
Daniel Hurst

My kids have been back to school for less than a week, and although they don't take the bus, I am there to pick them up every day. Every single day last week I also witnessed a driver passing a parked school bus that had its stop sign and lights engaged, and quite frankly, it's infuriating.

Is It Ever Legal To Pass a Stopped School Bus in Illinois?

The laws regarding school bus safety in Illinois are pretty clear; if a bus is stopped and has its warning lights on and stop arm engaged, you CAN NOT pass. It doesn't matter if the bus is stopped on the opposite side of the street from the direction you are traveling, in a parking lot, or no students are present... if a bus's stop sign is engaged and the flashing lights are on, YOU NEED TO STOP.

Here's a great reminder that the Rockton Fire Protection District shared several years ago that will clear up some of "must stop for school buses" gray areas...

If you're wondering how serious the State of Illinois takes school bus laws, Illinois law clearly states;

 the Secretary of State shall suspend for a period of 3 months the driving privileges of any person convicted of a violation.

In addition to the suspensions authorized by this Section, any person convicted of violating this Section or a similar provision of a local ordinance shall be subject to a mandatory fine of $300 .

FYI, a suspended license and $300 fine is what you get for a FIRST offense. Any offenses after that will result in a minimum $1000 fine, further suspension of driving privileges, community service, and even jail time.

Guys, I get it. We're all busy and have other places we need to be, but this is a matter of child safety. Always remember that no place you need to go is more important than a child's life, so STOP passing stopped school buses!!!! Please, and thank you!

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