60 Miles of ‘Murder Tunnels’ Under Illinois Used by Al Capone?
It's a fact that there are 60 miles of tunnels under Chicago, Illinois. A new claim says that they were used extensively by the mob and specifically by Al Capone as 'murder tunnels'. A new documentary explores what can be learned about that history.

This is part of a new theory by Cities of the Underworld on The History Channel. They explored many different cities with historic tunnels including Chicago, Illinois. They learned that there was a tunnel directly under Harry Carey's Restaurant in Chicago that led directly to city hall. Oh, and the restaurant was a hangout for Frank Nitti, the right-hand man for Al Capone.
If you walk downstairs at Harry Carey's Restaurant, you'll find a hidden office area.
That leads to a tunnel system with one walled-off area that used to lead directly to City Hall where it is believed Al Capone would go to deal money to elected officials he controlled.
Referred to as "Nitti's Tunnels", 60 miles of tunnels wind under Chicago and it's believed the mob in Chicago controlled the city with this underground network.
How many murders happened in these tunnels under Chicago, Illinois? As they mention in the documentary, it's believed that Al Capone murdered as many as 700 individuals. They believe perhaps even more transpired under Chicago in these tunnels. Bootleg booze was also transported through this network.
The entire History Channel show is fascinating and the Chicago part starts around 16 1/2 minutes in.
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