Indiana Woman Recalls Childhood UFO Encounter She Will Never Forget
If you have ever experienced a UFO sighting or encounter, you know it never leaves you. The feelings of curiosity, shock, and fear still run through your veins. We feel this way because, just like the acronym (UFO - Unidentified Flying Object) implies, is really so unknown and the fear of the unknown is the worst. We don't know what to expect, or what might happen.

What might happen if you had a close encounter with a UFO or alien?
Like me, I would like to think the alien would be open, friendly, and amazing. We would respect each other and stand in awe of our differences and realize how precious we both are in the eyes of our maker. We would be just two of God's creatures, together at last, like siblings. Only instead of siblings, we get along like best friends.
Or, like in the movies, our encounters could be way different. The total opposite could happen too. The alien could lay eggs in my stomach, devour my head, or anything in between, which would not be amazing or friendly.
The unknown can be very scary. Our imaginations run wild.
The earliest reported UFO sightings
Even the naysayers have to admit that with the vastness of the universe, the chances of there being life on other planets that have a curiosity, like us, and the technology to explore the rest of the universe, is pretty likely.
Throughout history, humans have seen unexplained things in the sky. Yes, there were times that we didn't understand the weather or anything going on in the sky. We thought the sky was where the gods laid around on clouds and played with us like chess pieces.
But, drawings and writings from different periods in history suggest that early humans saw things in the sky very similar to what we have seen too.
According to Stacker,
In the Bible's Book of Ezekiel, a mysterious ship is described as appearing from the sky in Chaldea (modern-day Kuwait). Strange sightings were recorded around Rome in 218 B.C. A wave of mysterious apparitions showed up in fourth-century China when a “moon boat” was documented floating over the country once every 12 years...The first (modern) recorded UFO sighting dates to 1639 when, long before the era of planes and satellites, John Winthrop wrote in his diary about a large, strange light in the sky that shot back and forth.
A possible UFO sighting reported in Indiana in 1992
BG shared a story with me of a possible UFO encounter that happened in Loogootee, IN 30 years ago. Even though it happened so many years ago, it is still fresh in her mind. She says she will never forget it.
Here is what happened on a dark October night in 1992.
In October 1992, my friend and I were at my mom's house and we had to leave to come to my place to get something. As we pulled up my drive, there was a UFO hovering between my shed and a tree. I asked my friend, "what the hell is that?" She whispered, "I don't know."<br /> The object wasn't real big, it was almost flat, in an odd rectangular shape. It also had some kind of ridges on it. It didn't make a sound. When we pulled up, with my car lights on, it opened up underneath and a round yellow light showed up. Looking at it, all I could think of was "Beam me up, Scottie." I figured they could get me in the craft...I told my friend that I'm turning the car around and we were going in (I figured we'd be safer inside than outside) and don't look back. She whispered "Okay." So, we went inside and peeked out the door window (which was diamond shape). It was moving above the trees across the drive, real slow, still not making a sound. We were too scared to open the door to see where it went. After a while we left and went back over to mom's, not knowing if it was out there somewhere. I had to come home by myself and I was scared for months. I spoke to a man with MUFON in Vincennes and said it could come back. Now, when I take my dog out to where we saw the object, I watch the sky.<br /> This thing had no windows or lights, except for the big yellow one that opened up at the bottom. I have no idea how it was being controlled. At first, I thought it was the government doing something, except for that big round yellow light. I spoke to my friend's sister awhile back about it and she said it scared the s..t out of her. If cell phones were available then and had cameras, we could have taken a picture even though it was dusk. I don't know if we'd been brave enough to, though.
Like BG said, without being able to pull out a cell phone and record her sighting, she can't show us what she saw that night. But, the encounter is etched in her memory forever.
The Pentagon makes shocking UFO revelation
Recently, (May 17, 2022) hearings were held in regards to a Navy jet pilot video of something in the sky that looked very much like what we would define as a UFO. Now normally, the Pentagon would have an explanation as to what the pilot saw next to his jet in the sky. . This time they did not.
Are we at a point where we can all agree that might be being visited by other life forms from other planets? Probably not. But, at least we are becoming more open to the idea, even the Pentagon.
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