Indiana Farmer Has a Warped Sense of Humor and I’m Here for It
Sometimes it pays to get off the interstate and travel down the backroads of America instead - you never know what you'll see. Sure, there are usually signs posted along the interstate letting you know how to find a nearby roadside attraction - but sometimes the most unique thing you'll see on your trip is not on anyone's map. An example of this would be the pictures below.
A man, traveling down the road in what appears to be a rural part of Porter County, Indiana, spots something that I'm sure made him do a double take. He saw a group of extremely rare Midwestern Wheat Sharks (I wish I was clever enough to come up with that name, but I am not), and lucky for us, he had the wherewithal to get some pictures. What he saw was a scene straight out of Jaws, but on dry land, and put together by a farmer with a great sense of humor.
One shark fin would have been enough to get a chuckle out of me. Placing several shark fins in the field makes it even better - but the farmer doesn't stop there. He takes the scene to a whole other level when he adds the overturned boat, complete with a man clinging to it for dear life. And the farmer's placement of the fins kinda makes me think that there really are sharks circling this poor fella.
Big shout out to Tim Tims-Hacker Hensley for taking pictures of this scene, which he says actually happened a few years ago.

I wonder if that farmer still has those fins? I wonder if he could create some other fun scenes. Here are some more sharks from pop culture that could inspire him, or perhaps a farmer near you...
- Sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads - Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
- Bruce - Finding Nemo
- King Shark - DC comics and movies
- Land Shark - old school Saturday Night Live skit
- Baby Shark (do do do do do do)
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