In Light of IHOP Name Change, Burger King Changes Name As Well
Yesterday it was announced that IHOP is now IHOB (International House of Burgers), and in light of this recent news other food chains have jumped on the name change bandwagon.
IHOP teased everyone with their new logo, where they flipped the P in IHOP upside down to a B. Many people were wondering what this could mean, breakfast, biscuits, butter? The possibilities are endless! But yesterday IHOP decided to quit teasing us and announce that the B stands for burgers!
Other food chains social media accounts were brutal in response to this marketing gimmick, but I think my personal favorite was Burger KIng's response, where they changed all of their social media to simply "Pancake King." haha! I think they're trying to cash in on IHOP's former audience!
Of course this is all in jest, and this isn't permanent, it was a fun way for IHOP to garner attention to their latest menu item, and a fun way for other food chains to poke fun and jump on their marketing bandwagon.
Well played food chains, well played.
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