If You See This Brown Thing in Your Christmas Tree in Indiana, Throw It Out
If you are one of those households that pick out a real Christmas tree each year, you might want to check to make sure there isn't an "ornament" that you didn't put on the tree, because this thing could lead to some unwelcomed guests in your home this holiday season.
By now, you most likely already have your tree up in your home and decorated with lights, garland, and various ornaments. I'm sure it looks great. However, there could be something lurking in your tree that you might not want in your home. Now would be a good time to give that live Christmas tree an inspection.

If you spot a walnut-sized, brown pine cone-shaped object in your tree, it's not something you want to keep. As it turns out, this brown thing attached to your Christmas tree is actually a praying mantis egg sack full of 100-200 insects ready to invade your home. A friend of mine shared a post on Facebook that has gone viral yet again of a guy in Cleavland who found one of these in his tree a couple of years ago.
What are your chances of finding one of these in your tree here in Indiana? According to Indiana Nature, there are two primary mantis species in Indiana: the native Carolina mantis and the exotic Chinese mantis. Most likely, you won't find one in your tree, however, the chance is still there to find these mantis eggs. Luckily these insects are harmless to us humans and serve a good purpose of killing off other insects that we don't want around.
That being said, after doing a little digging, I discovered that having these eggs on your tree inside your house could lead to some unwelcome guests. Perfect hatching environment as these eggs typically hatch outside in the spring, but these eggs could hatch inside your home because it's nice and warm. We are talking about hundreds of tiny praying mantis invading your house. I'm just assuming that you'd rather not have hundreds of praying mantis babies crawling all over your house this holiday season, so what you need to do is clip the part of the branch that the egg sack is on and toss it outside, away from the heat of your home.
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