This week, Ashley and Travis have been filling in for Dave and Leslie while they are out. Earlier in the week, Ashley asked listeners for a little parenting help. Her daughter comes downstairs every night and wants to get in bed with her. Ashley won't let her sleep with her anymore because she can't sleep well with a sweaty little girl wallering on her. So, her daughter makes a bed on the floor next to her bed every night. Ashley's tried talking to her but she still makes her way downstairs. So, what should she do? Here's what our listeners are saying...

Windi Hatfield: Giving child mixed messages, one day it's okay to come downstairs into your room another day is not. Stop all of it. I am 61 and don't understand parents allowing children in their bed. It should never begin. A number of parents do it because they feel guilty for working, get over it or stay home.

Chris Sutton: For Ashley's daughter she should try putting the dog in with her daughter she has seemed to grow comfort with the dog. She might sleep in her bed comfortably this way.

Hmmm some things to think about! If you have any advice, feel free to send it along via our Facebook!

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