Hear Chilling Tales While Enjoying Historic Downtown Newburgh with Ghost Walks and Ghostly Hayrides
A Halloween tradition in Historic Downtown Newburgh is gearing up for another fun year!

Historic Newburgh Ghost Walks
I grew up in Newburgh, and taking the Newburgh Ghost Walk every year was a tradition in my family. Walking around historic Newburgh at night when there's a chill in the air, and hearing some of the most infamous ghost stories from the area is just such a fun time. My favorite way to enjoy the Historic Newburgh Ghost Walks is with a mug of warm cider with a cinnamon stick.
If you've never been to the Historic Newburgh Ghost Walks it's always a fun time. They have actors dressed up around the town of Newburgh who portray real past residents of Newburgh and tell their stories. Although some of these stories, make you wonder, are some of these residents still lingering around Newburgh?
Ghostly Hayrides
Not only have the Historic Newburgh Ghost Walks grown exponentially since I was younger, they have also added the Ghostly Hayrides. Here is what you can expect if you decide to take a Ghostly Hayride:
The Ghostly Hayride will start at the Gene Aurand Trailhead located at the corner of SR 662 and Yorkshire Drive in downtown Newburgh. The hayride will begin with a short walk along the illuminated trail across the red bridge. You'll meet ghostly storytellers on the bridge as you make your way to the hayride. The hayride will then take a route along Water Street. before ending up back at the Aurand Trailhead where you started. Hayrides will last approximately 50 minutes and include past favorite stories from State Street, Water Street, the original hayride tour AND two new stories including some interesting tidbits about the underground railroad.
Tickets on Sale Now
The Ghost Walks and Ghostly Hayrides will take place for one weekend only, October 13th through 15th.
These events are very popular, so you'll want to secure your tickets early. You can purchase tickets to the 30th annual Ghost Walk and Ghostly Hayride, you can get them here.
#HistoricNewburgh#GhostWalk#GhostlyHayride tickets are ON SALE NOW! Seating is limited. Get your ride here before they are GONE!
Thank you to our sponsor, German American Bank.
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