Happy Birthday Phyllis!
Today the lady that I know as Mom celebrates her birthday!! I'm going to be a good child and not tell her age, but I'm blessed daily to have her as my mother. We all love our mothers. As Ive grown up, she's become my best friend, though we still get on each others nerves. Mom has also accepted my dogs as her grandpugs! FINALLY!!!
Phyllis was the 4th child of 7. So the very, very middle child. In the pic above she the youngest.
(Mary Young)
One of her brothers passed in 1986. Most of the time they all got along.
(Dawn Crabtree)
My mom and aunts do a themed picture when they get together. My favorite one so far!
(Amanda Blue)
There is so many things I can say about my mom. Mainly Happy Birthday Mom!!! Love you!!!
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