Fewer Parents Are Telling Bedtime Stories, Why?
According to a new British study, parents aren't reading OR telling bedtime stories to their kids anymore. I can't believe this! The quiet, one on one time, while reading to my kids at bedtime was the BEST time of the whole day. So, we aren't you doing it???
The teachers who took part in the study say that the attention span of their students is at an all time low. Parents say they can't compete with video games. I say, YES YOU CAN!!!
Just make the book or story come to life. Use voices and silly sounds. The laughter, meeting of the minds, teaching and simply time together will have them saying, "What video games?" :-)
Here are some of my favorite books that I read to my kids:
- Goodnight, Moon
- Weekend of Racoons
- I Had a Cat
- Green Eggs and Ham
- I Forgot to Clean My Room Today.
- What if....
- Itsy, Bitsy, Spider
- The Foot Book
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
- Pat The Bunny
- Guess How Much I Love You
- Everyone Poops
- Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom
- If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
- Hop On Pop
Just to name a few!! :-)
PLEASE, read to your children. Never stop! Or, better yet use YOUR imagination to make up a story. When they get older, read novels together. Really!! Just go chapter by chapter. It's a...'to be continued!' Kids love it!
Your stories, whether read or made up, are a priceless gift of time that only YOU can give to your child.
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