Safety Tips for the Solar Eclipse
You've been hearing about it for months, and depending on what side your on, It's almost over or its almost here! So you have the special glasses, and other things needed, but have you thought about driving? No? Well I have a few common sense tips to help you get through it.
Be prepared for more drivers.If you're out, so will other drivers. Leave yourself plenty of time to get when you need to go. For different places, I have heard there is going to be a influx of people. Try to leave the road rage at home, no body will want to see that.
Keep your lights on. Its gonna get dark, you don't want to have a loud bang and oopsies!! You hit someone or someones car.
Don't take pictures while your driving of the eclipse. That should really be a no brainier but, we all know that person who will try to.
Don't wear your eclipse glassed while driving. If you are driving, your not looking at the sun, your eyes will be ok.
Don't park your car in the road, along the interstate, or on the shoulder of a road. That to me, is just asking for some sort of mishap to happen.
Lastly, use your common sense. Be smart and be safe. Bring your pets inside too. Make sure their eyeballs are safe too!!!