Divorce Selfies??
It's common for people to live through their phone. You're at a child's play, you're are looking through the phone to take your pictures. Enjoying a day out with the family? You're looking through for the best picture and probably missing the fun. Don't feel bad, we have this need to take pictures of EVERYTHING. So it shouldn't surprise you that the latest trend is Divorce Selfies. Yes, you read that right. The people that do get divorced that are still on good terms with the ex, I can totally understand the selfie! Some people are better as friends than being married. I've been divorced for 2 years, and I'm pretty sure a selfie wouldn't have happened. Ive asked a few people if they would've took a pic with their ex. The answers were no. There was a cuss word involved with some. My favorite answer was, "The only way I would take a divorce selfie is if the were harpooned and hanging upside down like a fish". That person has a colorful bunch of crazy as their ex's.
Since I don't have any of my own I decided to draw what the selfies would look like if I had actually done that. ** Please keep in mind, I cant draw. Drawings don't depict actually height, weight, looks, hair, poor attitudes, etc. I can't draw.
This would be the selfie if we ended on better terms. Of course it didn't!!!
We all know this pic. The ex is now leashed to the new person and is always around. I'm just gonna leave that as that.
This is probably a likely picture of what our selfie. Note the blurred hand. I was proud of that addition to the picture.
Lastly, this is how my selfie would really look. One, I wouldn't do one. This person was about to become a stranger after being together for 9 years. I didn't love him, I hadn't trusted him for years, but he was a friend.
Again, really, it's not me. Someone can look in my phone and see im not a person who is comfortable taking pics of my self. I will take 5,785 pictures of my pugs doing everything under the sun, my great nephews picking their nose, or what my latest baking project looks like. I guess I'm just different that way!
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