Remember last week when FGL gave Cole Swindell's number out over twitter? Well, he's been calling some of the fans who've left messages on his voicemail

Here's what happened last week to set the tone for Cole calling random fans:

Can you imagine how many phone calls that Cole got? This is seriously his number that they tweeted out! My hats off to Florida Georgia Line for a great prank!

So Cole must have been away from his phone and social media for a while because he later tweeted this:


At least he was a good sport about it. Most people would have been livid! Cole, not so much. He actually didn't even change his number after it happened...over 700 voicemails later, he decided to return some of those calls.

He posted video of a phone conversation with a fan named Emily.  They talked about both of them being from Georgia, about her watching him at the CMAs. Then he told her to hit him back for tickets to a show. How awesome is that???

By the way, he's NOT going to get revenge on Florida Georgia Line for the phone prank...because they gave him an awesome tour gift.  Quote, "They got me a membership to a golf club.  [It's] my favorite thing to do.  For them to do that for me, it was the coolest gift I've got.  That's how I spend my off-time, relaxing on the golf course."

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