Tri State Better Business Bureau

W-2 Phishing Scam Is On The Rise!
Your BBB® would like to share information regarding a scam that’s been on the rise during tax season. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) warns that the scam in question is targeting school districts, nonprofits, and other organizations. The W-2 phishing scam has previously targeted for profits only...

Nationwide Telephone Imposter Phishing Scam Reported by Social Security Administration
Your BBB® just received a fraud advisory from the Acting Inspector General of the Social Security Administration (SSA), Gale Stallworth Stone. The SSA has received reports from across the country about individuals claiming to be Social Security Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigators...

Is Your Pacemaker Secure?
Your BBB® just received an article from Wired magazine that has the scary headline, “Medical Devices Are the Next Security Nightmare,” and we would like to pass along the information to our readers. The short answer is yes, pacemakers, defibrillators, insulin pumps, and other electronic medical devices are vulnerable to hacking...

Warning: Damage from Fireworks May Not Be Covered By Your Insurance!
Your BBB® has learned that the Indiana Department of Insurance has issued a warning regarding the use of fireworks during the upcoming Independence Day celebrations. Area residents are reminded that accidental fires and damages may not be covered by insurance...

Money Saving Tips from America’s Cheapest Family
More than 1000 non-profit, government and corporate groups are encouraging individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth during America Saves Week (February 27th—March 4th). Your BBB® is among these organizations.
If you are thinking about saving money, but have no idea where to start, BBB recently spoke with Steve and Annette Economides, NY Times bestselling authors, TV persona

BBB Warns: Social Media Scams Are On The Rise
Today, your BBB® heard the tale of another consumer who was approached by a fraudster on social media. This fraudster sent a friend request to our consumer who informed BBB that it was an “old high school friend” who approached her out of the blue...

A Fun Way to Get Fit
Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to improve your health? Your BBB® brings you news of a challenge that might be just the incentive for you. It’s called the “1 Billion Steps Challenge.” It is sponsored by the American Public Health Association (APHA) whose mission is to improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status and whose vision is to create the healthiest nation by t

Is Your Password on the List of the 25 Worst Passwords of 2016?
Your BBB® has examined the data breach statistics from 2016. Would it surprise you to learn that in 2016 there were 3000 publically reported data breaches that exposed more than 22 billion records? Can you guess the cause of 63% of the data breaches...

Best Deals of the Month: Look Out for These 7 Items
If you are looking to purchase something and save money this time of year, your BBB® has done some research on this topic and wishes to share with consumers a few tips and tricks. Now that the holidays are over, here are 7 items worth considering:
Bedding and linens
If you feel like your bedroom could use an upgrade, January is probably a good month for that...

Beware of New Tech Savvy Gmail Scam
Your BBB® has learned of a new scam on the block. This time around it is Gmail users that are being targeted. Here is what you need to know and look for.
This email phishing scam is a little on the scarier side due to the fact that it is even fooling some very high tech people...

13 Ways to Improve Your Finances This Year
If you feel like you need to improve your finances, you are not the only one. Let BBB® tell you all about these 13 ways to improve your finances this year. And no, you won’t have to cut back on anything. Isn’t that great?
1. Cancel a subscription
Think about all those magazines you get every month: how many of them do you really read...

Tips to Find a Doctor for Those Winter Sniffles
‘Tis the season for the common cold! If you don’t already have a physician or need to change your current one, your BBB® has the following tips to finding a good doctor.
I am sure most of you just do your research online, looking up reviews on Yelp or Angie’s list, but do you really want to find your doctor the same way you find your restaurant...