GuySpeed Editors

Sloppy Robber Leaves His Resume at Victim’s Home
"Attention to detail" is probably not something this guy needs to put on his CV.

Pennywise Photobombing Engagement Photos Is All You Need to Know About 2017
Deep down, this killer clown is a romantic.

‘The Friend Zone’ As a Horror Movie Feels Waaaay Too Real
Perhaps the only thing worse than being stuck in a mall while your girl goes shoe shopping is NOT being the guy she expects to sit patiently while she goes shoe shopping.

Heartbroken Piano Man’s Plan to Win Back Girlfriend Ends With a Punch
Breaking up sure is painful.

Thirsty Traveler Checks In His One Can of Beer at Airport
This guy went to some great lengths to keep his beer. And by lengths, we mean (frequent flyer) miles.

Tattoos Now Make Noise Because Our Bodies Are Too Darned Quiet
Tattoos are now something for the eyes and the ears.

College Students Have Invented Cure for Hangovers. Seriously.
Let's drink a toast to these innovators.

World’s Fastest Bumper Car Zooms at a Sick 100 Miles Per Hour
Bumper cars as you know them will never be the same.

Motorcycle Swing Is a Disaster Waiting to Happen
"Motorcycle" and "swing" are two words that should never appear next to each other.

‘Things I Wanna Text My Ex’ Is Much-Needed Therapy for the Broken-Hearted
There are so many things you probably want to tell your ex. Now's your chance to do it, without the ugly blowback it may cause.

Cop Pulls Over Helpless Speeding Driver, Winds Up Tying His Tie
Relations with police were not exactly at an all-time high in 2016, but they appear to be ending on a good note.

Poo-Pourri Is Here to Make Pooping on a Date a Total Breeze
Of all the things that can go wrong while on a date, your bowels deciding they're to come out and play is chief among them.