5 Life Hacks Every Parent Should Know
Life is hard enough and life hacks make it a little easier. If you have kids, these ideas are AWESOME!!
Using zippered dust mites pillow covers is the easiest and fastest way to protect your allergy.
- Don't buy a pad so your child can lay down on the floor! Instead buy pillow cases (go as cheep as you want) and sew them together. Then insert pillows into the cases and BOOM, instant soft, comfy pad. And, you can wash the pillow cases very easily. :-)
Funny cat is taking a bath in a colorful bathtub with toy duck.
- A water play table is very expensive. Simply buy a shallow plastic tub, set it on a short table and add water and toys! SO inexpensive AND you can use it for storage when the kids are finished playing!
girl inside a Box
- Cardboard boxes make for the best play areas! Whatever size you have makes for some awesome, creative play time. Smaller boxes can be used to create art, shadowboxes and action figure stages and scenes. The larger boxes quickly become a playhouse, you can even cut out windows and doors to make the box even more fun!
Baby puree
- This hack is BRILLIANT!! It involves baby food, a medicine syringe, wax paper and a freezer. Lay out the wax paper on a tray, fill the syringe with the baby food and push bite size portions onto the tray. Put into the freezer until frozen and then serve. The very healthy food turns into a colorful, fun treat.
Carefree careless charming dreamy lovely nice-looking sweet cute
- Here is a hack that is just for YOU!! Take a bag of frozen vegetables (most kids don't like veggies) cook and eat them, THEN put candy in the bag and put it back in the fridge!! Your kids will never know!!!
Get more parenting life hacks HERE!
[SOURCE - twentytwowords.com]
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