
Humane Society’s 4th Of July Tips For Pets
Humane Society’s 4th Of July Tips For Pets
Humane Society’s 4th Of July Tips For Pets
I'm sure we've all owned a pet who had a unique fear of something in particular.  I know that my dog is terrified of the vacuum and our stuffed chef that hangs on the wall in kitchen.  Yet, there is one day every year that usually terrorizes all pets just the same:  July 4th.
My Pug Shaming
My Pug Shaming
My Pug Shaming
Everyone that knows me knows that I am very protective and crazy about my two pugs Parker and Bruce Wayne Since I have moved to Slaughters, they have more freedom to romp and play outside with out having to be leashed. They look cute...
Watch Your Paws!!
Watch Your Paws!!
Watch Your Paws!!
If you haven't noticed we love our animals at WKDQ and Townsquare Media. You hear it all the time to be cautious about leaving your pets in the car while its hot outside. Have you heard about watching the heat of the ground of the summer when your take your dog out for a walk...

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