haunted houses

Scariest Ghosts Caught On Camera [VIDEOS]
Scariest Ghosts Caught On Camera [VIDEOS]
Scariest Ghosts Caught On Camera [VIDEOS]
We LOVE scary things....movies, houses, books, graveyards....anything scary. So, we decided to research YouTube for some of the scariest videos we can find. All month, I will post them for your terrifying enjoyment. The following videos might freak you out!! They are SCARY. Be ready to jump!!!! These are real accounts of ghosts and paranormal activity. Please watch them before you let your kids see it. It may cause nightmares. Seriously!!
10 Awesomely Spooky Amateur Haunted Houses [VIDEOS]
10 Awesomely Spooky Amateur Haunted Houses [VIDEOS]
10 Awesomely Spooky Amateur Haunted Houses [VIDEOS]
Halloween is coming up, and we all know what that means: Christmas stuff starts showing up in stores any minute now. Also, on Halloween weekend, we'll be going to lots of haunted houses, haunted garages, haunted mazes, haunted cul-de-sacs and haunted, well, anything you can stick a light-up ghost on...