
Is Mike Rowe The New Billy Mays? [VIDEOS]
Is Mike Rowe The New Billy Mays? [VIDEOS]
Is Mike Rowe The New Billy Mays? [VIDEOS]
Until I saw Mike Rowe on a Ford Truck commercial, I had never seen the man.  Until he said his name on a Jeans commercial, I didn't know who he was.  Until I saw him on a paper towel commercial, I wondered why in the world does he endorse EVERYTHING?
10 Best Shaq Commericals
10 Best Shaq Commericals
10 Best Shaq Commericals
Yesterday, Shaquille O'Neal announced his retirement from the NBA after 19 seasons.  Over that time we've been treated to great strong play under the rim, and great personality from his MANY endorsements.  Here are 10 of my favorite from the big man...