November 7, 2015 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Audubon State Park
3100 US 41, Henderson, KY 42420 United States

Additional Information

Rugged...chilly...tough! Looking for a challenge? Join Junior Achievement of West Kentucky on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Audubon State Park! Our Columbia Chilly Hilly 5K Hike/Race is a different spin for an unforgettable race. Racers can expect steep hills, trails and awesome scenery! $35 is all you need to take on the JA challenge that day (or only $30 if you can convince seven friends to join you as a group)! The added benefit is that all net proceeds benefit Junior Achievement of West Kentucky as we empower Henderson County's youth to own their economic success! Are you up for the challenge? You can register or obtain more information at…/columbia-chilly-hilly-5k