February 22, 2014 | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Steak dinner $15/hot dog dinner $8
(812) 682-3064

Additional Information

Twelfth annual ribeye dinner and auction sponsored by the students of the Ribeyre Gymnasium Restoration Group (RGRG). Dinner will be served from 5:00-6:30pm. The live auction will begin at 6:00pm, a silent auction will be available throughout the evening. This year's auction includes a French Lick package, season pass for CountryMark golf course in Mt. Vernon, IN, and a handcrafted mahagony dining table specially made for this event by Rick Gooden of New Harmony Woodworks. Started in 2002, the students of RGRG and their adult mentors have raised over $1 million for the restoration and renovation of this histori building in downtown New Harmony. All proceeds for this event will go toward current interior renovations. Steak dinner tiacketrs are $15/hot dog dinner $8----all dinners include potato, salad, roll, dessert and drink. Tickets will be available at the door.