New Shopping Carts in Illinois Walmart Stores on January 1, 2025New Shopping Carts in Illinois Walmart Stores on January 1, 2025January 1, 2025 will begin with a new type of shopping cart in Illinois Walmart stores. Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Cart Confessions: Why People Won't Return ThemCart Confessions: Why People Won't Return ThemShopping carts often litter store parking lots, and apparently, those ditching the cart corral seem to think they have good reasons.Jake FosterJake Foster
Are You A Germaphobe?Are You A Germaphobe?Have you ever wondered what kind of germs and or bacteria might be stuck to common everyday things that you contact? If germs creep you out and you do your own grocery shopping, you might want to stop reading right now.Jon PrellJon Prell