Heather came by the station today!! She said that she was headed to Bloomington to pick up her dog, Dalis. Her sweet little doggie has been staying with her parents. Here is a blog that Heather did while she worked for WKDQ back in 2013. Meet Dalis all over again. :-)
The Super Bowl is all about the commercials, some of which some have already been leaked, which is no accident by the way. There is always at least one ad that creates controversy and this year's is about a puppy having a bad day.
I adopted my dog, Dalis, back in March from the Vanderburgh Humane Society. She was abandoned in an apartment by her owners and locked inside of a storage bin. Luckily the landlord found her quickly and she was able to find a good, I mean GREAT, home with me...
Ok dog lovers, be warned....this video will hit you right square in the heart strings. I found this video and could not stop watching it to save my life. Meet Sophie, a 5-month-old German shepherd puppy with a spinal injury that made her unable to walk so, she was dropped off at an animal shelter and was slated to be killed when a miracle happened.
If ever there was a video that demonstrated how amazing our pets can be, the below video is it. Have you ever had that feeling that your dog knows exactly what is going on, even though we assume they don't? Our pets are capable of being much more in tune than we give them credit for, especially when danger lurks.