Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
The average person has over 1,460 of these a year. What are THEY?????
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
The average human eats 8 of THESE in their lifetime. What are THEY?????
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
Three percent of Americans admit they've eaten dinner here. Where is it?
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
The average office worker spends 50 minutes a day doing this. What is IT?
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
On average, THIS causes 550 accidents per day in the United States. What is IT?
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
Americans went through about 554 million of these every day last year -- almost 30 percent less than we did five years ago. What are they?
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
31 percent of women have one of these that they use for luck. What is it? ??
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
The average American kid will eat approximately 1.500 THESE by high school graduation. What are THEY???????
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
50% more males can say THIS than females. What is IT???? What is it?????
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question
90% of women say they would stay in a relationship is THIS happened but only 59% of men say the same. What is it?????
Here's this morning's Jon and Leslie in the Morning 'Brain Buster Trivia Question -
Men in their early twenties do THIS an average of four times a week!! What is it????