casino aztar

Luke Bryan Sits Down With Leslie
Luke Bryan Sits Down With Leslie
Luke Bryan Sits Down With Leslie
The first time I met Luke Bryan was six years ago when he came to Evansville to perform at Woody's. I had no idea who he was other than the fact the he had a song on the radio, his debut single, 'All My Friends Say,' that I really liked. Little did I know that, the artist I was about to meet would be a MEGA country STAR! In my interview with Luke on Thursday, I found out that not only do I have so
Townsquare Media Chief Strategy Officer Mark Stewart to Speak at American Advertising Federation of Greater Evansville
Townsquare Media Chief Strategy Officer Mark Stewart to Speak at American Advertising Federation of Greater Evansville
Townsquare Media Chief Strategy Officer Mark Stewart to Speak at American Advertising Federation of Greater Evansville
Mark Stewart, Chief Strategy Officer for Townsquare Media, will be the guest speaker at the September American Advertising Federation of Greater Evansville (AAF-GE) luncheon.  Mr. Stewart's presentation will focus on "Narrowcasting"
Who Wants A Mardi Bra? – Fundraiser This Saturday
Who Wants A Mardi Bra? – Fundraiser This Saturday
Who Wants A Mardi Bra? – Fundraiser This Saturday
The term 'Mardi Bra' just sounds fun doesn't it? Not only are they fun and creative, but buying one will help a lot of people in our community. MardiBras is an annual fundraiser here in Evansville, the proceeds from which will benfit ARG of Evansville.
Casino Aztar Excluded From Evansville Smoking Ban – Fair Or Unfair [Poll]
Casino Aztar Excluded From Evansville Smoking Ban – Fair Or Unfair [Poll]
Casino Aztar Excluded From Evansville Smoking Ban – Fair Or Unfair [Poll]
The recently passed Evansville smoking ban excludes Casino Aztar. The smoking ban has been a hot button issue all over the country, not just here in Evansville. The big debate has been centered around bars and restaurants and many businesses have designated non-smoking areas, but because of the potential health risks of second-hand smoke, many feel it should be banned completely.
Trailer For Cody McCarver In “Cole Younger And The Black Train”
Trailer For Cody McCarver In “Cole Younger And The Black Train”
Trailer For Cody McCarver In “Cole Younger And The Black Train”
You heard him on WKDQ with me on Friday afternoon and he's got a movie coming out soon.  He is Cody McCarver, former member of Confederate Railroad and he's also playin 6 shows this weekend at Casino Aztar.  You can catch him online at and check out the trailer for his movie here.
One You Might’ve Missed – Cody McCarver
One You Might’ve Missed – Cody McCarver
One You Might’ve Missed – Cody McCarver
You probably didn't catch this song when it was out, unless you were checking out CMT, but I am very excited to say that Cody McCarver, former member of Confederate Railroad will be playing at Casino Aztar this weekend and he'll be in the WKDQ studio Friday afternoon.