Here are the Best Catholic Fish Fry Dinners Around the Evansville Area for Lent
North Deanery
St. Francis Xavier, Vincennes, 4:30-7 p.m., March 6, K of C; Rivet Class; catfish filet.
St. Francis Xavier, Vincennes, 4:30-7 p.m., March 15 and 29, April 12, St. Vincent Parish Lounge; catfish fillet.
St. Philip Neri, Bicknell, 4:30-7 p.m., March 22; Jonah fish.
St. Francis Xavier, Vincennes, 4:30-7 p.m., April 5, St. Francis Parish Center; Jonah fish.
South Deanery
St. Benedict Cathedral, Evansville, Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, every Friday March 8-April 12; fish, homemade sides, delicious desserts.
St. Clement, Boonville, 4:30-7 p.m., March 8, 15, 22 and 29, April 5 and 12, St. Clement Social Hall; two pieces fried or baked catfish, corn bread, cole slaw, drink and dessert, plus choice of two sides: green beans, baked beans, potato salad or maca- roni and cheese; cheese pizza available; $10/adult, $5/child.
St. John the Baptist, Newburgh, 4:30-7 p.m., March 8, 15, 22 and 29, April 5 and 12; baked, fried or grilled fish, cheese pizza, mac- aroni and cheese, baked potatoes, corn bread, applesauce, jell-o, yellow cake, bread pud- ding with caramel sauce, cherry crunch, apple crunch, peach crunch, brownies, cookies, tea, lemonade, coffee; other side dishes change each week; all homemade, all-you-can-eat; $10/adults, $5/children 4-12, younger than 3 eat free; sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 8746 and St. John Men’s Club.
St. John the Evangelist, Daylight, 4:30-7 p.m., March 15, Gym; baked or fried fish with choice of hot or cold potato salad, slaw, baked beans, applesauce, cornbread, dessert, drink; cheese pizza available for children; advance tickets on sale after Mass on March 9 and 10 or at parish office March 11-14, $9/adults, $4/children under 12; tickets at-the-door $10/adults, $5/children; carry-out available; sponsored by St. John Daylight Men’s Club.
Holy Redeemer, Evansville, 5-7 p.m, March 15 and 29, April 12, Activity Center; baked or fried whitefish, creamy cole slaw, baked beans, German potato salad, maca- roni and cheese, cheesy biscuits, dessert, drink; Children’s menu: cheese pizza or half fish, one side, applesauce, dessert, drink; $11/adults, $5/children 5-10 years old, 4 and under free; carry-out and drive-thru avail- able; advance tickets purchased by 4 p.m. Thursday prior to Fish Fry are discounted.
East Deanery
St. Benedict Brew Works, Ferdinand, 11 a.m.–8 p.m., March 6; three pieces of fish, hushpuppies, sides and dessert; $10; dine in or carry-out; seating in brewery limited.
St. Martin I, Chrisney, 5-7 p.m., March 8; fish fillet, french fries, macaroni and cheese, slaw and drink; $10/adults, $5/children 10 and younger; desserts available for additional cost.
Divine Mercy Parish, St. Anthony Church, St. Anthony, 4:30-7 p.m., March 8, Parish Center; fish sandwich, potato wedges, slaw, drink and dessert; $10; proceeds benefit Mission Team 5; sponsored by Divine Mercy G2 Youth Group.
Holy Family, Jasper, starting at 4:30 p.m., March 8 and April 5, Holy Trinity School East Campus; fish, German fries, bread, slaw and drink; $10; dine- in, drive-thru and carry-out available.
St. Benedict Brew Works, Ferdinand, 4:30–8 p.m., every Friday March 8 – April 19, Sisters of St. Benedict Event Hall, Monastery Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand; all-you-can-eat fish, cheese pizza, hushpuppies, vegetables, homemade dessert from St. Meinrad Archabbey kitchen; tea and lemonade, craft beer; three types of fried fish will rotate weekly: swai, haddock, pollock, cod, catfish and tilapia; $12/adults, $6/children 6-12, age 5 and younger eat free; carry-out meals $10; music and door prizes.
St. Isidore Parish, St. Peter Celestine Church, Celestine, 4:30-6:30 p.m., March 15, St. Peter Celestine Dining Hall; catfish fil- let, German fries, slaw, bread, dessert for inside pick-up; $10; dine-in or carry-out available.
St. Mary, Ireland, starting 4 p.m., March 15, Community Center; drive-thru, carry-out or dine-in.
St. Bernard, Rockport, 5-7 p.m., March 22; fish fillet, potato salad, green beans, slaw, corn muffin, applesauce, dessert and drink; $10/adults, $5/children in grades kindergarten – 4, pre-kindergarten free.
St. Isidore Parish, Good Shepherd of the Hills K of C, drive-thru 4-6 p.m., dine- in at 6 p.m., April 12, Celestine Community Club.
West Deanery
St. Wendel Knights of St. John Fish Fry, 5-7 p.m., March 1 and April 12, St. Wendel Knights of St. John, Wadesville; fried cod, potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, maca- roni and cheese, corn bread and drink; grilled cheese available; drive-thru avail- able.
St. Joseph, Vanderburgh County, 5-7 p.m., March 8 and 15; cod fillet, baked beans, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, slaw or applesauce, cornbread, tea, lemon- ade and coffee; $10/adults, $5/children 12 and younger; dine-in and carry-out avail- able.
St. Matthew, Mount Vernon, 5-7 p.m., March 8 and 22; St. Matthew School cafete- ria; fish, french fries, hush puppies, slaw, potato salad, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, cheese pizza, soft serve ice cream, dessert, beverage; $9/adults, $6/children; carry out available.
St. Philip, Posey County, 5-7 p.m., April 12.
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