Is it possible the “beer belly” is just a MYTH???? A German study shows that your beer gut and your beer drinking may not be related. The bad news is.....the beer is probably helping you gain weight. The not so bad news..... the weight you’re gaining around your middle isn't necessarily from BEER.

In 2009, a team of researchers in Germany and a researcher in Sweden published a study that analyzed the waist measurements and beer consumption of nearly 20,000 German, beer-drinking men (And that my friends equals A LOT of beer drinking!!!!) and women over four years. They were asked to estimate their daily beer drinking and then were put into different groups of beer consumption from “no beer” to “heavy drinkers.”

A female who was a “moderate drinker” drank about eight ounces of beer a day and a male who was  a “moderate drinker” drank 16 to 32 ounces of beer a day.  The researchers found  that the study did not “support the common belief of a site-specific effect of beer on the abdomen, the beer belly.” BUT, “beer consumption seems to be rather associated with an increase in overall body fatness,” which isn’t really great news after all because I LOVE my beer!!

I'm sure they were trying to help out ALL  beer drinkers by making us feel better belt breaking bellies. So.....I have an idea!!!! Let's believe them and go get a couple of  beers while admiring our ever larger bellies! If we drink enough, we won't even care!!!! ;-) 

[via The Guardian]

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