Yesterday was Teacher Appreciation Day and I took advantage of it by personally thanking my high school algebra teacher for all that she has done. It has been eight years since I have graduated from Boonville High School, but the impact that she had on me during that time has made a lasting impression on me.

Mrs. Susan Lehr has been teaching at Boonville High School for eighteen years now, and has gained the respect of her peers as well as every student that has walked into her classroom. She was more than an algebra teacher to me, she was someone that I could depend on and who genuinely cared for her students.

On a personal level, had it not have been for her guidance in school, I don't think I would have made it through high school. During my junior year, I lost my best friend in a car accident. She was the first person that I spoke to when I came into school the next day. From that moment on, she always looked out for me and became someone that I looked up to and confided in. I could never thank her enough for all that she has done for not only me, but other students who have developed a bond with her.

Eight years after graduation, she still will check in on me from time to time. She once told me, "Travis, I am not your teacher anymore, I am your friend. Call me Susan."

To which I quickly responded by saying, "No way! You will always be Mrs. Lehr, whether you like it or not!"

I think that any of her students, past or present, would agree that she is one of the best teachers that Boonville High School has ever seen. If you have a teacher that has ever left an impact on your life, be sure to thank them this week and let them know that they are ALWAYS appreciated!

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