
Military Dad Goes From Jumbotron to the Field to Surprise Family [Video]
Military Dad Goes From Jumbotron to the Field to Surprise Family [Video]
Military Dad Goes From Jumbotron to the Field to Surprise Family [Video]
I have posted so many of these military surprise welcome home videos and it seems like they just keep getting better. One of the best yet happened on Saturday just prior to the South Carolina vs. Georgia football game in Columbia, South Carolina when the Faile family got a welcome they never saw coming while they were being honored as the 'military family of the game'.
Kid Is A Thriller At Baseball game
Kid Is A Thriller At Baseball game
Kid Is A Thriller At Baseball game
During a recent Seattle Mariners baseball game at Safeco Field, there wasn't much going on until a break in the action and Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' began to play. The Jumbotron caught a little boy bustin' all the moves made famous by Jackson and received a standing ovation, check it out...