
Wife’s Autocross Run Was a True Eye-Opening Experience
Wife’s Autocross Run Was a True Eye-Opening Experience
Wife’s Autocross Run Was a True Eye-Opening Experience
I saw this video and absolutely cracked up laughing for about 10 minutes. The woman in the video is Kara, whose husband Jayson has been an autocross driver for a few years. Jayson had been begging Kara to ride with him, but she was too scared. As an anniversary present, Kara finally said she would ride with Jayson.
Two Dutch Men Experience What Childbirth Really Feels Like for Women
Two Dutch Men Experience What Childbirth Really Feels Like for Women
Two Dutch Men Experience What Childbirth Really Feels Like for Women
Bill Cosby once said during a performance that he was told the best way to describe to men what childbirth feels like is to pull your bottom lip up over your head. I have said many times on the air that women are the superior gender and my reason for that has a lot to do with childbirth.