Have you ever had a one of those moments when you are just sitting, looking around and suddenly everything becomes crystal clear? Well, it happened to me at Walgreens. :-)

So, I was sitting, waiting for a prescription to be filled, when I glanced over at a rotating book rack and found the answers to life I have been looking for. Now, I feel as if I'm standing on top of the mountain with all the answers.

I need this book SO bad!! lol


I definitely needed to see THIS!!! Not going to name any names......JON!!!


I've needed to learn this lesson all my life. HAHA!


And, finally, for all of those times I just looked at Eyewitness News weatherman, Ron Rhoads, and just shook my head, THIS explains everything. ;-)


Now, I feel as if I'm standing on top of the mountain with all the answers. Thank you Walgreens!!


Who knew nose drops could be so enlightening??? ;-)

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