The 1993 Disney classic, "Hocus Pocus" will be featured on the big screen in the Tri-State this year and people will be running "amok" to see it! If you're like me and grew up watching the Disney movie about the Sanderson Sisters, you know that this is a must watch every year around Halloween. I mean how can you not enjoy this movie?

Well, this year you can watch the movie with a bunch of other "Hocus Pocus" fans at the Lincoln Amphitheatre! They will be showing the film this Saturday, October 13 at 7:30 PM. The event is open to all ages, and you can even come dressed up as your favorite character to celebrate! Tickets to see the movie are on sale now. General Admission tickets are $8.00 or you can get General Admission with a free popcorn and free drink voucher for $9.95 by clicking here.

The Lincoln Amphitheatre is located at 15032 East County Rd 1500
Lincoln City, IN.

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