Gnats driving you crazy while you're trying to enjoy a nice day outside? Keep those little buggers away by mixing a few ingredients you likely have at home right now. And if you don't, you can get what you need for just a few bucks!

Here's what you'll need, and what to do with it:


  • 1/3 cup imitation vanilla
  • 1/3 regular Listerine mouthwash
  • 1/3 water
  • 1 small, plastic spray bottle


  • Mix all ingredients and fill spray bottle.
  • Spray liberally over body.

I'm not sure if it's the vanilla or the alcohol in the Listerine that makes it effective, but I can tell you it works. However, like any other bug spray, it does require re-application from time to time as it will eventually evaporate on your skin and the gnats, flies, whatever will return.

What it is not effective at is keeping mosquitoes and ticks away. You'll still need to apply your choice of bug spray (with DEET) to keep those nasty little things away.


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