I tried to stay away.  I tried oh so hard to shield my eyes.  I couldn't keep myself from it.  I landed by mistake on an episode of TLC's Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and I couldn't change the channel.

By the way, TLC stands for The Learning Channel, but the L has gone about as far away as the M in MTV these days, but I digress.

So, here I am, a poor soul trapped watching these people that I could easily see walking the streets of the Tri-State (Relax, of course I'm not talking about you).  It the midst of all this wackiness, I find out that June, aka 'Mama' is afraid of mayonnaise.  The ridiculousness continues until 'Chubbs' (yes 'Chubbs') makes the comment that she doesn't eat mayonnaise, because she is a vegetarian.  Then, 'Pumpkin' (yes 'Pumpkin) becomes the unlikely voice of reason explaining the meatlessness of 'marannaise' (yes 'marannaise').  The real good stuff starts at :47 into this video that makes me happy and sad all at the same time.

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