Hunter is 7-years-old and is a professional sand castle builder in California. You certainly don't hear much about pro sand castle builders, but Hunter's passion goes way beyond sand castles. Hunter is also a big time advocate for clean water and makes a very strong case. My favorite part of this video is when Hunter talks about dropping out of preschool and how scared his mom was about that. Hunter is only seven so, let's hope his academic career is not over.

While this video demonstrates Hunter's unique gift for building sand castles and his passion for his art, there is another purpose behind the video that Hunter is equally passionate about - clean water for kids in need.

The video is actually part PSA sponsored by People Water, a company that provides an equal amount of clean water to developing countries for every bottle purchased. Hunter talks about how how many kids die every year from the lack of a clean water supply.

Hunter's best line in the video is a statistic in which he points out: "4,320 die every day because they don't have clean water, so why not just help out where we can?"

I don't know about you, but Hunter gives me a lot of hope for the next generation. We need more kids like Hunter to latch on to something so important and with so much passion. Thanks Hunter, for making a big problem so clear and the need for help.


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